
Showing posts from February, 2018
Tyranny does not always come charging at you with a big ugly face yelling "I am a tyrant!"   Often it comes in a thousand smiley-faced baby steps, each one pretending to do something good for you.   
Progressivism The liberal cult herds its cattle step by step into the realm of liberal dogma, with each step being a baby step.   This moves them progressively further away from those who do not move with the herd, and in time so many small steps add up to huge steps, while those in the herd see very little movement.   This is why the divide between liberals and non-liberals has grown so vast, even though the movement has been in small steps.
Liberal Violence and Hypocrisy Sixty million times since the passage of Roe v Wade a mother has killed the child she carried. So many mothers betraying their own baby reminds us of the bloody knife liberals hold hidden behind their back. The liberal cult uses the poor and downtrodden now as a weapon of political war and pretends to care about them and want to help them because it would be immoral not to do so, even while claiming that morality must not be the basis of law. But if they ever acquire enough power that they don't need the poor they'll turn on them like a feminist turns on her unborn baby. When the time is right they will take what they can and run, just like Bill Clinton did with the money donated to the people of Haiti. Or take what little is produced and live like kings while those they claim to be champions of live in poverty and in chains, as leaders of communist parties and other dictators have done. This kind of betrayal has taken place in the...
Attacks On Trump The liberal cult is doing a good job of defending itself from the justice it deserves by attacking Donald Trump.   This is a textbook example of a good offense being a great defense.   All attention is focused on false charges thrown at the President, ignorant masses forget about the real crimes committed by liberals because no one on TV is talking about them, and the executive team is too busy defending itself from false charges to go after the real crooks.   The full force of the liberal press is focused on a massive psychological attack intended to destroy the President, aimed at all who can be led by its manipulations.   The big lie is used as a weapon of war, by those well practiced in its use.   The psychological attacks are coordinated with attacks from politicians and other operatives in government, who use every weapon of political war they can find and use it as ruthlessly as they are able, to support and maximize the effec...
Thoughtcrime Laws in Our Future It is established liberal dogma that no right is unlimited. And ultimately that means none is really a right, because those who make law get to decide what a reasonable limit is to the right. Or a judge appointed and approved of by them gets to decide. And neither of them are going to make law and declare the law they made unreasonable, so whatever they decide to do will be defined by them as reasonable, and therefore legal. So there is no real Constitutional barrier even to thoughtcrime laws: Legislative bodies can outlaw thoughtcrime just the same as they outlaw so-called assault weapons, and liberal judges will back them up. All it will take is enough people being talked into supporting thoughtcrime laws, and given what's happening these days I don't think that'll be all that difficult. Imagine the kind of thoughtcrime enforcement imposed on communities like Facebook and in schools by way of PC codes being enforced by real poli...
Mark Zuckerberg is a hero in the liberal cult, a 4 star general in the war that army of traitors wages against freedom. Purging Facebook of patriot thought serves the purpose of those who seek the fall of the American Republic.
Liberals, Nazis, and communists are all just different faces of the same demon: masses of fools led by liars to forge their own chains.
Liberal Attacks on American Historical Figures If you study cult indoctrination (as I have done) you see that a big part of the indoctrination is to break down and destroy the old self so it can be replaced by the new cult self. The liberal cult is doing that on a national level. That's what these attacks on our founders and our history are all about.
The dogmas of liberalism are not carved in stone or writ in some holy book.   They are the opinions of men.   Evil m en have done a very good job of selling those opinions to many people through their control of government schools and most media.   But they are still just opinions; they are not the body of infallible natural law the liberal cult has us convinced they are.    There is only one body of infallible natural law and that is God’s Word written in the Bible.   And the liberal cult, having forced itself on America as a de facto official state religion, forbids the use of that law as the foundation of American law.   This they do so they can impose their own opinions on us, as though they are the word of some almighty and infallible god.
If all loyal Americans will stand up in defense of our country the aggression of the liberal cult can be stopped.   But doing so will require casting off all liberal indoctrination.   
So-called hate crime is thoughtcrime.   It's thoughtcrime coupled with some kind of active crime, but the essential ingredient that defines it as hate crime is the thought it's based in.
The Fake Fear Card One way the liberal cult herds cattle is by convincing them that any disagreement with liberal dogma is based in fear: one who thinks homosexuality is not normal is a homophobe, one who opposes feminism fears strong women, one who opposes civilian disarmament is paranoid, and one who sees the reality of Islam is an Islamophobe.   This strategy works well on the indoctrinated and the low-information types, but not on those who are wise.
Many schools have become indoctrination centers, where truth is suppressed and big lies are programmed into open minds.
Liberal Comics Waging Hate Campaigns Hate campaigns are a powerful weapon of political war used ruthlessly by liberal media; the comedian corps is very active with this weapon, and backed up by fake news and other media wherever a shot can be taken.   “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.   There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.” – Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals The comedian corps is an important part of the liberal propaganda machine. A lot of simple-minded people just assume that good humor is based in deep truth, so if something gets a laugh it must be true. And that gives this type of propagandist a lot of control over the simple-mind. The truth of course is that humor is funnier if it is perceived to be based in truth, but what is true and what is perceived as true are not always one and the same thing. And where there is a dif ference, the false truth will get a...
“Freedom is the freedom to say two and two make four.   If that is granted, all else follows.”   Winston Smith, in George Orwell’s 1984. Winston might have overstated the power in being able to speak the truth, but there is no question that it is easier to enslave people when the truth can be suppressed. There are many ways the truth can be suppressed though and not all of them are by government.   Massive propaganda machines burying truth under a heavy blanket of big lies can suppress truth even when it is legal to speak the truth.   The effectiveness of this tried and true method is being demonstrated all around us every day, though not in all sectors; those who are not stupid see through the blanket.   But there are masses of fools who can not.  
Those who try to destroy the 2nd Amendment will ultimately do the same to the 1st: there is much truth in the saying that the pen is mightier than the sword, and that truth is not lost on those who seek to disarm us.  In fact this battle is already well underway.
Liberals don't hate Trump for any of the reasons they are giving.   They hate him for one reason and one reason alone: they hate America, and they can't stand America being run by a patriot.   But they don't want to admit that, so they come up with all kinds of lies to pretend their hatred is based in.
Liberal cattle and those who herd them often call Christians and patriots names like racist, sexist, fascist, homophobe, and so on.   And all of those names mean more or less the same thing in liberalspeak: one who has resisted liberal indoctrination, and does not accept liberal dogma as ultimate truth. They are also calling you a thought criminal and heretic, to be shunned, hunted down by thought militia, and driven out of the group.
From The Dictionary of Liberal Doublespeak: hate: 1, Intense and unapologetic non-acceptance of liberal dogma. 2, The expression of truth that has been forbidden by the high seers of liberalism, America’s official state religion. 3. Opposition to wealth redistribution and social engineering forced on people by government. 4. Belief that the Constitution is and ought to be the law, and that it means what its words and authors say it means.                                                                                            ...
Islamophobia is a slogan used by liars  to herd cattle to the slaughterhouse
HOW TO DEFEAT ISLAMIC JIHAD Here are a few things that should be done to defend America from jihad, just a few things that would make a huge difference, between destroying this enemy and going on with our lives, or living with never-ending war, as we are doing now: Define the enemy. Give our generals a clear mission, give them what they need to carry out that mission, and then stay out of the way and let them do their job. The same goes for intelligence. Stop sending our soldiers off to war with their hands tied. Get rid of the insane ROE the traitor Obama imposes on them. Clearly establish that combatants who do not wear uniforms (because they want to blend in with civilians) have no rights when they are captured. This used to be a fundamental law of war and should be implemented now in the Islamic wars, because now as before, combatants who hide behind civilians get civilians killed. Legitimate combatants wear a uniform or have some kind of identifying mark that’s easily vis...
Legitimate Politics Versus Political War If you wonder why conspicuous traitors can be elected time after time in America, consider the difference in effectiveness between legitimate politics and political war. It's like the difference between truth and fantasy: fantasy wins the popularity contest every time. The same thing applies to politics versus political war. The difference between the methodology of patriots and liberals, currently represented by Republicans and Democrats respectively, is the difference between legitimate politics and political war. Here is a short list of political war strategies used by the cult of liberalism and its political arm the DNC: They divide Americans into groups and inspire mistrust and hatred between them. This is an old strategy called divide and conquer. They turn some groups into a coalition dedicated to the destruction of the American Republic, by convincing them that America is evil, that they are being oppressed, and that the onl...
The question that will decide the coming election is this: do indoctrinated cattle outnumber thinking people, or will the latter have the numbers to stop the stampede.
First Class Versus Second Class Citizens bearing Arms and The Training Lie People like Hillary Clinton and her rich Hollywood comrades try to deny the right of most of us to keep and bear arms, while they and their loved ones are being protected by guards with guns. This shows how they really feel about whether it’s safer to be armed or unarmed. And it shows whose lives matter to them. In Hillary world, first class citizens are allowed to have armed guards, second class citizens are not. So that raises a question: if the elite are worthy of being protected by armed guards, why are those they look down on as commoners not worthy of armed protection too? One common lie used to justify this double standard is that those who work for government can be trusted and the same applies to the professionals who guard rich people, but second class citizens can not be trusted. This is a lie because American law assumes innocence unless there is probable cause (and ultimately proof) of some k...
The yawara stick can be a very powerful weapon in the hand of one skilled in its use.  Since this kind of weapon is ubiquitous, it is worthwhile to develop that skill.
The liberal and Islamic cults are allied  by their mutual hatred of America
The Liberalism-Is-Progress Lie One way the liberal cult masters herd their cattle is to convince them that acceptance of liberal dogma is progress, while nonacceptance of liberal dogma is regress, using phrases like back to the Stone Age, like my parents, and so on. I call this strategy newthink. Liberal cattle are told that newthink is rightthink, and oldthink is wrongthink. This has been a very successful strategy. The truth of course is that there is nothing new about liberalism. The immorality of liberalism goes back to the days of Noah. And concentrating power into the hands of government isn't new either. In fact the freedom we have in America is what's new. The liberal cult is herding us back to the old ways.
Motto of the liberal press: ye shall know untruth,  and it shall make you unfree
From The Dictionary of Liberal Doublespeak: racist: 1. One who does not accept liberal dogma, especially but not limited to race dogma, as ultimate truth. 2. One who believes that all races should be treated equally, under the law and in all other matters. 3. One who speaks truths that have been forbidden by the high seers of liberalism, America's official state religion. 4. One who believes that the Constitution is and ought to be the law, and that it means what its words and authors say it means. 5. One who believes that a lying traitor makes a poor president, even when the lying traitor happens to be half black.
THE IMPOSITION OF LIBERALISM AS AN OFFICIAL STATE RELIGION: The liberal cult is on a mission to impose its doctrines as the basis of all law in America, to such an extreme level that it amounts to the imposition of liberalism on America as an official state religion. And it has had a great deal of success. Consider this: For many years now the doctrines of liberalism have been the foundation of most laws coming from the federal government, as well as many state and local governments too. These doctrines include feminism, homosexuality, wealth redistribution, so-called social justice, social engineering, manifest multiculturalism, and civilian disarmament, among others. The laws based in these doctrines are not based in Constitutional law, and in fact an accurate interpretation of the 10th Amendment shows them to be in violation of that body of law. What they are based in is the liberal belief system, their moral code. This, by definition, is the religion of the liberal. Tho...
POLITICAL CORRECTNESS The threat of being fired, expelled, and excommunicated for expressing thought that has been forbidden by the high seers of liberalism is usually referred to by the term political correctness, or (more commonly) PC. These are the speech and behavior codes imposed by the liberal cult. PC doctrines and the consequences of violating them are well known to those they are imposed on. Apologists for PC doctrines claim that political correctness really only  means not offending anyone. But no one gets in trouble for offending Christians, gun nuts, greedy capitalists, women who stay home and raise children (and bake cookies). You can curse and mock Jesus Christ all you want at work or in the government schools and it’s no big deal (at least in this life), but get caught uttering a word or expressing a thought that has been forbidden by the high seers of liberalism, and if there are any thought police in the area you’re gone. Imagine if there was a threat, imp...
Multiculturalism as a strategy of political war   One of the most destructive acts committed by the liberal cult has been its aiding and abetting of a massive invasion from the third world, based in its doctrine of multiculturalism. This was done as a strategy of political, cultural, religious, and race war, by people who hated what America was and sought to make it something else. This strategy of war was aided and abetted by greedy capitalists who have no loyalty to their  country, and were willing to betray it in order to make a bigger profit. Those brought in have proven beyond any doubt that most will vote liberal, generation after generation, and so expand the power of the liberal block. And that expansion is increased exponentially by a massive birth rate common to the failed cultures brought in. This is done because of the liberal belief that the white race is an evil oppressor who needs to have his relative numbers reduced, and America is an evil nation that ne...
Political Correctness as a Strategy of Political War What is commonly called political correctness is a common methodology used by the liberal cult in the forced imposition of liberal dogma into American thought. Political correctness controls thought by controlling the expression of thought. What politically correct means is being consistent with orthodox liberal dogmas; politically incorrect means being inconsistent with them. Acceptance of liberal dogmas is rewarded, while non-acceptance of them is punished. This is how cattle are herded.
Liberals and the Race Card Why is racism so terrible that any hint of it is forbidden as heresy, but class hatred is treated as ok, and even encouraged, even though it has led to at least as much oppression, slavery, and mass death as racism? And all of those terrible things were made possible because one group had the power to perpetrate them on the other, and in every case that power differential was created by the underclass being unarmed by government decree. This makes civilian disarmament, or gun control as it is commonly called, at least as great an evil as race and class hatred. So why is it ok for political hacks like Hillary and Obama and their PR team the liberal press to try to impose civilian disarmament and promote class hatred? Why are these things ok when anything called racism is forbidden as heresy? The answer is that liberal indoctrination has been very effective. And we should be reminded that those so deeply indoctrinated they can not see what should be ob...
ATROCITY PROPAGANDA An atrocity is defined as violence that does not serve a military purpose, though more than that is typically implied. Atrocities happen in war, and good people generally dislike those who commit them. This makes them valuable material for a form of psychological warfare called atrocity propaganda. Psywar, as it is often called, is as old as war, and this is one of its favorite weapons. Here’s how it works: bad things are done in war, and sometimes the conditions and situations found in war result in soldiers doing things they aren't supposed to do; even things they are supposed to do often are not very nice, since you can't be a nice guy and win a war. What the propagandist does is ignore or play down anything that might be called an atrocity done by his side, while drawing as much attention as possible to anything bad, or that can be made to look bad, done by the other side. This influences the simple mind as to who is the good guy and who is the bad...
One who admits to being a liberal and claims to love The United States of America is a liar. America is defined as a nation by two things: the Constitution and our borders; Americans as a people are defined by many things but America as a nation is defined politically by those two things. This is not opinion; it is an accurate definition of terms. The liberal cult is on a holy crusade to destroy those two things. It is therefore trying to destroy what defines America as a nation. One does not try to destroy something he loves.
The liberal press determines newsworthiness by propaganda effect: if it will promote liberalism it is newsworthy; if it will have a counter-propaganda effect that will detract from liberalism, it is not. Degree of newsworthiness is directly proportional to degree of propaganda effect. The liberal press is a weapon of war wielded by traitors.  Patriots should counter that weapon by getting the truth out.  Educate the low-information voter that so often is led to travel with the liberal herd.