The liberal cult is on a mission to impose its doctrines as the basis of all law in America, to such an extreme level that it amounts to the imposition of liberalism on America as an official state religion. And it has had a great deal of success. Consider this:
For many years now the doctrines of liberalism have been the foundation of most laws coming from the federal government, as well as many state and local governments too. These doctrines include feminism, homosexuality, wealth redistribution, so-called social justice, social engineering, manifest multiculturalism, and civilian disarmament, among others.
The laws based in these doctrines are not based in Constitutional law, and in fact an accurate interpretation of the 10th Amendment shows them to be in violation of that body of law. What they are based in is the liberal belief system, their moral code. This, by definition, is the religion of the liberal.
Those who seek to force their moral code on us insist that if there is no higher power in the belief system it is not a religion. But this is just one more among many of their lies, and it is a lie that can easily be exposed.
Words often have multiple definitions, with which one is the right one based in context and purpose. Consider number two and number six from 2, a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects. 6, something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience. These are the definitions that matter in regard to the context of religious freedom and the purpose of it, because whether the set of beliefs is based in faith in God or faith in Man, either way, a belief system is the basis of law and is imposed on society by government.
This should be obvious to any thinking person, but liberals still try to justify the forced implementation of their moral code by claiming that it is not really a religion, so it’s ok for laws to be based in its doctrines, but since Christianity is a religion, it’s not ok for laws to be based in Christian doctrine. They cling to that deceptive argument dogmatically because it’s very convenient for them: laws can be based in their belief system, but can not be based in the Christian belief system.
But any realistic look at the definitions of the word religion given above as the word relates to this issue makes clear that there is a fundamental lie in their argument: when it becomes the code by which laws are made, the belief system of liberalism is the religion of the liberal; his dogma is his bible. When he makes laws imposing that dogma on society, he is imposing his religion on society.
Where sharia law is the basis of law it can be said that Islam is the official state religion, because the doctrines of Islam are the basis of law. So why is it different when the cult of liberalism does the same thing? The only real difference is that liberalism falsely claims not to be a religion.
There are other differences between the two cults of course, as in the relative violence committed by each one for example, the liberal cult being far more bloody because of all the babies it murdered, not to mention the genocides committed by Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, and others who followed the same doctrines as those called liberal today. But as far as a religion being imposed on a culture, liberalism and Islam are very similar, even though the extent of the imposition in America is far more limited due to freedoms given in our Constitution, and voters who reject liberalism.
If it is decided that a religious code becoming the basis of law is inevitable, and one or another must be imposed, then there is an essential question over which belief system will have a better effect. But if it is agreed that a moral code should not be imposed, as we are told was done long ago and codified in American law, then there is no such question. We can argue all day over which is the better religion, but we do not use the power of government to force one man to live according to another man’s belief, nor do we impose religious dogma on our culture through government. Or at least we are not supposed to.
Christian morality has not been imposed on our nation for a long time, and in fact has long been systematically shut out of virtually all things government does. There is a debate over whether this was a good thing for our culture and our nation, but it has been done in any case. And as it was being done, liberalism was being moved in to replace it, and it has shown that its belief system is every bit as dogmatic, and much more imposing.
One or another belief system will be the bases of a culture, and a culture typically forms a government in its own image, with laws based in its belief system. Governments elected in Islamic cultures compared to those in Christian cultures are a conspicuous example of this; the difference between red and blue zones on a map of America is another. And different cultures mixed together in a democratic system give examples of a jumbled up mess of a government.
Law based on religious belief is not good or bad in and of itself. It becomes bad when the belief system and therefore the government it spawns is corrupt. Beyond that, what makes it ok or not ok in America is whether the law goes beyond what is necessary to maintain an orderly society, and becomes an engineer of society.
If this is accepted as an inevitable process then there is a question over whether the official belief system should be Christianity, liberalism, Islam, or something else. But if it is established that a government should not engineer society based on a religion, then it should not be done, whether that religious code is Christianity, liberalism, Islam, or any other belief system. If it is not ok, then it is not ok for the one any more than the other.
For example, would it be ok for students to be kicked out of government schools for ridiculing Christianity or doing something a Christian finds offensive? Or how about openly displaying a disbelief in orthodox Christian dogma, or for behaving in a way not consistent with Christian codes of behavior? Should a government school in America whip girls with a stick for not covering their face and hair, or expel homosexuals? If not, then why should students be kicked out of school for offending liberals or expressing disbelief in liberal dogmas, in the forms of feminist, race, homosexual, and other of their dogmas?
Why is political correctness ok but Christian correctness is not? Or how about Islamic correctness? Political correctness really means liberal correctness, since its doctrines are based in liberal dogma. So why is liberal correctness consistent with American law but Christian correctness is not? Why can speech and behavior codes based on liberal dogmas be strictly imposed, not only in government schools but also in the workplace, by way of government edict, but any such thing based in Christian dogma is strictly forbidden? And why is liberal dogma programmed into students in government schools?
Whether one thinks Christian or Liberal government is better, what is relevant to religious freedom is to what extent a religious belief is imposed on the people by their government. And it is easily shown that this is not done with Christianity, but it is done with liberalism. Consider these differences:
Christian and liberal doctrine both say that the haves should share with the have nots. But Christians follow that doctrine by sharing what they have; liberals follow it by using the power of government to force people to do it (and in most cases the so-called sharing they impose is forcing others to “share” with them). Christians don’t get people expelled and fired for violating some code like PC; there is no Godly Correctness that has to be followed to stay in school or keep your job. Maybe something like that was done a very long time ago but not in recent times.
Or consider liberal doctrine versus Christian doctrine on feminism. Which one is being programmed into students in the government schools? Would it be ok for government to force schools to do that with Christian doctrine regarding feminism? Or might that be a violation of what liberals like to call the separation of church and state? The same thing applies to the teaching of homosexuality, multiculturalism, hatred of the white race, class warfare, and all subjects taught based totally in liberal dogmas.
Another example is what is called profiling. The FBI hires people called profilers; these specialists give investigators an idea of what kind of person a certain crime or crimes is probably being committed by, so they have a better idea of who they’re looking for. Often part of the profile is so apparent it doesn’t take a professional profiler to see it, as in the case of illegal immigration for example, or Islamic jihad. But in cases such as those the profiling, though both accurate and useful, is forbidden, and if anyone is caught, or even suspected of using this valuable technique, that person is punished. This effective tool of law enforcement is taken away by official edict, based on a doctrine of the state religion.
Government schools program the dogma of liberalism into our children and liberal media program it into the masses. This dogma includes feminism, homosexuality, socialism, multiculturalism, and hatred of the white man, his country, his culture, and his religion; weakness and victimhood are glorified, hard work and success are looked down on. Government is a caring big brother that keeps us from failing and makes life fair; it protects us from all evil, even getting our feelings hurt. So more government is always better. These are the dogmas of liberalism.
The expression of thought defined as thoughtcrime according to liberal doctrine is treated as heresy and is forbidden by official edict in many places; this includes anything deemed by the high seers to be sexist, racist, heterosexist, or various other things. Even if the forbidden thought or act is based in truth, it is still forbidden. Enforcement can be in the form of getting fired or kicked out of school, and being excommunicated from various communities, and if you are accused of a crime, having a record as a heretic can and will be used against you, making it easier for you to be convicted even if you are innocent of the crime, and possibly increasing your sentence by defining your alleged act as a hate crime.


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