Legitimate Politics Versus Political War
If you wonder why conspicuous traitors can be elected time after time in America, consider the difference in effectiveness between legitimate politics and political war. It's like the difference between truth and fantasy: fantasy wins the popularity contest every time. The same thing applies to politics versus political war.
The difference between the methodology of patriots and liberals, currently represented by Republicans and Democrats respectively, is the difference between legitimate politics and political war. Here is a short list of political war strategies used by the cult of liberalism and its political arm the DNC:
They divide Americans into groups and inspire mistrust and hatred between them. This is an old strategy called divide and conquer.
They turn some groups into a coalition dedicated to the destruction of the American Republic, by convincing them that America is evil, that they are being oppressed, and that the only way to remove the evil and stop the oppression is to give progressively more power to government.
They corrupt the Constitution, which is the body of law that defines America as a nation, by placing justices on the Courts that base their interpretations not on what the words and authors of the Constitution say it means, but instead on what the liberal cult would like it to mean. This is a dagger thrust at the heart of the American nation.
The liberal press wages big lie campaigns, while pretending to be real news media presenting an accurate view of the world and the issues at the heart of elections. This propaganda machine is ruthless in its manipulation of its consumers, luring them into accepting liberal ideology and voting for liberal politicians. Even entertainment programs on liberal media are part of the machine. Liberal media are saturated with propaganda and they are ruthless in promoting their agenda.
Using the media they control they wage hate campaigns against anyone who speaks out against them. This destroys opposition leaders, and without leaders the opposition is unable to form an organized resistance.
Since 1965, when Ted kennedy led a group of traitors to change our immigration laws, they have brought in masses of third world poor, who are known to vote liberal generation after generation. This they even brag about using the term changing demographics. But they don't tell us why the demographics are changing, or that they are imposing that change on us, for the purpose of fundamentally altering our culture and forcing a new political order on us. (This strategy is explained in detail in Ann Coulter's book Adios America.)
They increase the massive flow of Democrat voters that come here legally by aiding and abetting a massive flow of more of the same coming here illegally. And they misinterpret the Constitution by claiming it says that those born here have birthright citizenship, so those born to the illegals will expand the liberal voting block.
They indoctrinate children in the government schools, turning them into people who can not live in a free country and have no desire to do so, while at the same time programming them to see America as an evil nation that is not worth preserving.
They attempt to disarm the militia by telling big lies to voters made stupid by liberal media, to remove the final check on excessive government power. If this strategy comes to fruition and leads to general disarmament, it will be an overt act of war on top of the political war that led to it.
These abuses and usurpations show a pattern of ruthless disregard for an honest process consistent with the rule of American law. They are well beyond any realistic definition of legitimate politics in the American system. Taken together, they are quite literally acts of war. The war is mostly cold but it is no less a war. This makes those who engage in these acts traitors.
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