Attacks On Trump
The liberal cult is doing a good job of defending itself from the justice it deserves by attacking Donald Trump.  This is a textbook example of a good offense being a great defense.  All attention is focused on false charges thrown at the President, ignorant masses forget about the real crimes committed by liberals because no one on TV is talking about them, and the executive team is too busy defending itself from false charges to go after the real crooks. 

The full force of the liberal press is focused on a massive psychological attack intended to destroy the President, aimed at all who can be led by its manipulations.  The big lie is used as a weapon of war, by those well practiced in its use. 

The psychological attacks are coordinated with attacks from politicians and other operatives in government, who use every weapon of political war they can find and use it as ruthlessly as they are able, to support and maximize the effects of the psychological attacks of their comrades. 

They do this because they know that if the Obama gang is brought to justice many of them will go down too; the American people will see how corrupt Obama and the Clintons and their cronies really are, and how corrupt the Democratic Party and its propaganda machine the liberal press are too.  At least a few will go to jail if true justice is brought, and much of the ground taken by the liberal cult the last several decades could be lost.  So the stakes are high and they know it.
The purveyors of the false charges being thrown at Trump either committed or assisted in the cover-up of very real crimes and they know it.  So they attack those who would expose their cover-ups to make them less able to do so.  And this they do by falsely claiming that those who would bring them to justice are the very thing that they themselves are.

The night shouts loud and clear that the day is dark and the night is not, and masses of fools believe it, even though they could see the lie easy enough if they would just open their eyes.  When the purpose is to remove the darkness, and masses of fools are confused and misled, the darkness grows. 

And that, after all, has been the purpose in the big lie all along.

One reason so many good and loyal Americans voted for Trump is that we wanted to see those who committed crimes during the Obama reign brought to justice.  It was a promise he made when he ran.  It’s what he should be doing.  And the enemy knows it.  That’s why they tie him up with false accusations and all other manner of attacks.  Or one reason anyway.

It is the duty of Trump and his team to counter these acts of aggression being used to disrupt their lawful rule.  And it is the duty of all loyal Americans to support them in this fight, by every means available to us.  This should be obvious enough that it becomes a defining difference between a patriot and a traitor, or a fool led by traitors.  It makes a good litmus test, when such a thing becomes necessary.

So it should be noted that essential assistance is often given to this political war campaign by certain notorious RINOs and a herd of Republican drones.  Attacks by Democrats don’t mean much by themselves, because it is well known what partisan hacks they are and no one but the most heavily indoctrinated dupe would give any credibility to their efforts.  But since Republicans are nominally on the same side as the President, they give false charges against him the appearance of legitimacy when they take part in the pretense that the charges are based in reality.    

These sons of Judas are well known to those who have been paying attention and we are not influenced by them, but their betrayals can influence the ignorant among the masses, of which there appear to be many.  So the assistance they give to the enemy expands the enemy’s power quite a bit.  Their betrayals and acts of cowardice should be remembered, when they are up to be nominated for their next election. 

The most powerful weapon used in this attempt though is the sharply focused big lie campaigns of the liberal press.  The critical path to defending the President and the nation he leads from that weapon is to counter its ability to deceive people.  Do not underestimate the power of the psychological attack used by those well-practiced in its use.  And do not underestimate your own power to defend your country from those who use it.

Remember what the old experienced priest said to the young priest in the classic movie The Exorcist: “The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful.”  This is likewise true of the demon called the liberal cult.

Also remember the exchange between the old priest and the young priest as they were preparing to go into the room to exorcise the demon; the young one said: “I think it might be helpful if I gave you some background on the different personalities Regan has manifested. So far, I'd say there seem to be three. She's convinced--” The old priest cuts him off and says “There is only one.”  Then they go in to fight the demon.
The lies of liberalism all serve the same master and they are all oriented toward the same goal: to abolish our form of government and replace it with a new government of their making, based on the doctrines of liberalism instead of the law given in the Constitution.  

And that fight is part of a much bigger and much older fight, that is as old as Creation.  Once you come to that realization you are better able to fight the demon.  And you can better exorcise the demon out of others who have been possessed by it.


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