Liberal Violence and Hypocrisy Sixty million times since the passage of Roe v Wade a mother has killed the child she carried. So many mothers betraying their own baby reminds us of the bloody knife liberals hold hidden behind their back. The liberal cult uses the poor and downtrodden now as a weapon of political war and pretends to care about them and want to help them because it would be immoral not to do so, even while claiming that morality must not be the basis of law. But if they ever acquire enough power that they don't need the poor they'll turn on them like a feminist turns on her unborn baby. When the time is right they will take what they can and run, just like Bill Clinton did with the money donated to the people of Haiti. Or take what little is produced and live like kings while those they claim to be champions of live in poverty and in chains, as leaders of communist parties and other dictators have done. This kind of betrayal has taken place in the...
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