Liberals and the Race Card
Why is racism so terrible that any hint of it is forbidden as heresy, but class hatred is treated as ok, and even encouraged, even though it has led to at least as much oppression, slavery, and mass death as racism?
And all of those terrible things were made possible because one group had the power to perpetrate them on the other, and in every case that power differential was created by the underclass being unarmed by government decree. This makes civilian disarmament, or gun control as it is commonly called, at least as great an evil as race and class hatred.
So why is it ok for political hacks like Hillary and Obama and their PR team the liberal press to try to impose civilian disarmament and promote class hatred? Why are these things ok when anything called racism is forbidden as heresy?
The answer is that liberal indoctrination has been very effective. And we should be reminded that those so deeply indoctrinated they can not see what should be obvious are capable of much dammage when used as a tool by evil men.  Common use of what is called the race card is a classic example of this.
It should be noted that the liberal cult is not really opposed to racism, and in fact racism is fundamental to liberalism.  The white man is demonized by the liberal cult like the Jew was demonized by the Nazis, and they do it for the same purpose: to acquire power.  And those they accuse of racism aren't really racists, at least not in most cases.  So they are the night calling the day dark.  But those they herd like cattle are blind to that lie, and their use of the race card has been very effective.


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