Here are a few things that should be done to defend America from jihad, just a few things that would make a huge difference, between destroying this enemy and going on with our lives, or living with never-ending war, as we are doing now:
Define the enemy. Give our generals a clear mission, give them what they need to carry out that mission, and then stay out of the way and let them do their job. The same goes for intelligence.
Stop sending our soldiers off to war with their hands tied. Get rid of the insane ROE the traitor Obama imposes on them.
Clearly establish that combatants who do not wear uniforms (because they want to blend in with civilians) have no rights when they are captured. This used to be a fundamental law of war and should be implemented now in the Islamic wars, because now as before, combatants who hide behind civilians get civilians killed. Legitimate combatants wear a uniform or have some kind of identifying mark that’s easily visible from a distance. Those who don’t have no rights, and can and should be executed, after being questioned, by any means.
Those who allow jihadists to blend in among them give the enemy a cloak of invisibility, which is a weapon often critical to his survival: those that cloak consists of are, and should be treated as, part of the enemy force. Let those who live among jihadis know that if they are within a thousand yards of one, or there is reason to believe one is within that distance, they are in serious danger, and just being that close to the target of the attack makes them a legitimate target, or if they are ignorant or powerless, justifiable as collateral damage, caused by the enemy placing them in a war zone. The result of this policy will be that being threatened and bullied into silence by the jihadis so they can remain hidden while they kill American soldiers is not a good strategy of survival, the better strategy being to do all they can to assist the Americans.
Never forget that no one in a combat zone is more innocent than the American soldier, and conduct operations with that in mind. Our soldiers are no less innocent and no more deserving of death than the civilians the jihadis hide among; strategies and tactics and ROE should reflect that.
Put an end to the insanity of political correctness: when truth is forbidden, evil triumphs. The Molsems don't hate us because we hurt their feelings; those who levy war on us are doing so because their religious book tells them to. Realizing that truth, and acting on it, will only alienate the so-called good Muslims if they are sympathetic to the jihadis in the first place, because otherwise, they would want to do whatever it takes to purge their religion of those who corrupt it and commit terrible atrocities in its name: good people do not tolerate those who coat their homeland with innocent blood.
If the so-called good Moslems are led to join the active jihad by the truth being spoken, they would have joined the jihad in some way anyway, even if only insofar as raising their children to become part of it and instituting sharia law into their culture. If they truly are good Muslims, they will help us fight the bad ones, even if some of us say things that hurt their feelings.
The so-called good Moslems provide cover for the bad ones just by being in the war zone and not purging themselves of the enemy within their midst. The enemy could not blend in among them if they did not allow him to do so. If we can not remove the enemy’s cloak of invisibility, we will have a hard time defending ourselves from his aggression. And destroying him, so we can live in peace. As long as the lives of those who look and act like Moslem terrorists are deemed more precious than the lives of our soldiers, the invisible assassins who hide among co-called civilians will kill many of us and many of our soldiers, and with such a massive source there will be no end to the war.
In fact war will expand for us, as the source increases in size within our society. Which it will, even in America, with traitors like Obama bringing in as many as he is able and those here reproducing like rabbits. Even shutting our doors to them now will not stop the source of jihad from expanding exponentially within our homeland. The only solution is to remove the source. It’s either that or live with neverending war.
The Islamic war will vary in intensity, but it will always be with us. Our cultures are not compatible and never will be. Through intimidation, subterfuge, a high birth rate, genocide, and other means, Islam becomes the dominant culture in every country it infects. And when that time comes in America, those crying out now that we must live in peace with the poor oppressed Muslims will not be living in peace.
It will not be the first time fools have been duped into forging their own chains. Sadly though it will be the children of those fools more so than they themselves who are bound by the chains they forged, so there is no poetic justice in the end: those betrayed before they were born are not responsible for the fate their parents bound them to, but they are the ones who have to pay the price for it.
You can't be a nice guy and win a war one of this kind. The Islamic cult is not going to absorb harmony and understanding from the nations it invades, no matter how nice the people there are to them.


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